Supercharge your product descriptions with Describely

How many products do you add or refresh monthly?



$450 billed yearly

Start Free Trial
Products with Unlimited AI Generations
Credits for Data Enrichment
Unlimited Store Connectors
Unlimited Product Imports

Product Power Ups

One time purchase for seasonal product surges, one time needs or backlog catchup.

  • $0.45 per product
  • Minimum 100 products purchased
  • Unlimited generations through billing cycle

Data Enrichment Power Ups

One time purchase for populating and enriching products with missing data.

  • $0.55 per credit
  • Minimum 10 credits purchased
  • One data enrichment run per credit

High Volume Pricing

Custom solutions for high-volume needs. Includes advanced AI generations, dedicated support, scalable data enrichment, and premium store integrations.


Describely Concierge: Done for You, Powered By AI. We Write The Best Performing Content for Your Products.

Trusted by thousands of eCommerce leaders around the world

Helen Valentine

Online Web Production Lead @ Target Australia

“Describely has been a game-changer for our organisation. It’s saved us significant time and effort in generating description and meta data, while also providing the flexibility and ease of use that we require. What sets Describely apart is its flexibility in adjusting the AI rules to suit our specific departments. The customisations allow us to generate more accurate descriptions, eliminating the need for constant adjustments and fine-tuning.”


Director, MAKA Furniture

“Writing content was always a pain for us and it would take us days to produce a single product page. We can get several pieces of content in a matter of seconds, which allows us to chose the best one or, what we usually do, mix & match using bits of different results. We can now produce a whole product page in less than an hour. ”


Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee after you subscribe. We know you’ll be blown away by the power of AI in Describely, but if you’re not impressed, let us know, for a money back guarantee. For more details, read our Terms of Use here.

Is the content unique?

Yes, the content generated by Describely is unique. You can also pre-select parameters for tone, length, and structure of the content generated to suit your brand guidelines and preferences, giving you content that is 100% yours.

Do you support multiple languages?

Yes, you can select from a list of different languages for your AI-generated content, such as Spanish, French, Dutch, and many more.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you can cancel anytime as long as you’re not on a negotiated contract.

Still not sure if Describely is right for you?

Prefer to talk to someone to discuss your specific needs? Book a call with our team to find your tailored solution!

Ready to get started?

Say goodbye to the struggle of rapidly generating product copy with’s help.