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Bullseye Media Saved 1000 Hours on an Unfamiliar eCommerce Project with Describely

"We were trying to experiment with some of the free tools out there like ChatGPT. When we tested them out, they were less precise…a little bit too much more fluff when we were comparing to Describely."

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Director of Operations, Bullseye Media

Tackling 8000 eCommerce Products with No Data

Bullseye Media is no stranger to complex projects. As a leading agency specializing in web development, brand building, data science, and animation, they’ve tackled a wide range of client needs. 

When an eCommerce client handed them an overwhelming task—creating content for over 8000 products, most with little to no accompanying data—with their typical focus outside of eCommerce, this was uncharted territory for Bullseye. 

“We probably overreached and overpromised,” admitted Adam, their Director of Operations. 

They quickly realized that having a single copywriter handle the workload would take nine months—time they simply didn’t have.

Their initial attempts with AI tools like ChatGPT fell short. According to Adam, they found it to have “too much fluff, not enough precision” when comparing results against Describely. 

It was clear they needed something more powerful, and that’s when they discovered Describely.

Nine Months of Product Description Writing, Done in One Click with Describely

Bullseye Media needed a solution that could generate content at scale and ensure each description was accurate, detailed, and aligned with their client’s branding.

Describely stepped in just in time. After a quick introduction and some initial testing, Adam knew they had found the answer they were looking for. 

The Bulk Generation feature was a game-changer for Bullseye Media. What would have taken nine months was now manageable in a fraction of the time. 

Instead of painstakingly writing product descriptions one by one, the team could now generate content for thousands of products with just a few clicks.

“It was just a big time save.”

The ability to handle such a large content volume allowed Bullseye Media to keep up with their client’s demands without compromising quality or efficiency. But the real transformation came with Describely’s Data Enrichment feature. 

Many of the products in Bullseye’s project had little to no accompanying data. Traditionally, this would have meant hours of manual research, scouring manufacturer websites and databases to find the necessary details. 

But with Describely’s Data Enrichment tool, this became a streamlined process.

Describely automatically pulled in relevant product details from across the web, filling in data gaps and providing Bullseye Media with the information they needed to craft accurate, compelling descriptions. 

“Being able to scrape websites pointed directly to a vendor was a huge time saver.”

The impact was staggering. What would have taken 1000 hours of manual research and writing was now achieved in a fraction of the time.

Not only did Bullseye Media deliver the project on time, but their client also saw a boost in SEO performance with the help of Describely’s built-in SEO tools. 

“We did see a decent SEO jump from the previous website,” Adam noted, confirming that the content wasn’t just fast—it was effective.

For Bullseye Media, Describely was more than just a tool—it was the key to transforming a massive, overwhelming project into a success story.

Describely Helped Bullseye Media Nail eCommerce Content Cration at Scale

In an industry where time is money, Describely provided the speed, accuracy, and scalability that Bullseye Media needed to deliver on its promises.

Describely’s AI-powered, eCommerce-focused features empowered Bullseye Media to take on a project of unprecedented scale while still delivering amazing results that left both Bullseye Media and their client extremely satisfied.

For agencies facing complex, large-scale eCommerce content projects, Describely is the solution that delivers. With Describely, you can save time, improve accuracy, and meet even the tightest deadlines—all while maintaining the high standards your clients expect.

Bullseye Media’s success story is proof that with the right tools, even the most daunting challenges can be turned into opportunities for growth. Try Describely for free today, and discover how it can transform your agency’s approach to content creation.

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