Describely Brought Home Decor Brand’s Creativity to Life While Saving Weeks of Time

1K+ Products

1/10th The Cost

2-3 Weeks Gained

"I have a finite amount of time and can’t work on the website but once a week sometimes. What Describely did for me was save me weeks of time. It put me 2-3 weeks ahead of where I wanted to be."

Ben Hughes

Owner, Wall Funk

The Creative Challenge: Crafting Unique Content for 1000+ Products

Ben Hughes, the owner of Wall Funk, isn’t just selling wallpapers – he’s turning walls into art. With vibrant, eco-friendly designs that are bold and distinctive, Wall Funk’s products are anything but ordinary. 

But as a solo entrepreneur managing a catalog of over 1000 products, Ben faced a daunting challenge: how to communicate the creativity and distinctiveness of his products across hundreds of listings without losing his brand’s voice, or his sanity.

The task of creating content while optimizing for SEO for each of his products became an overwhelming burden, pulling him further away from the artistic side of his business and stifling the very creativity that fueled Wall Funk’s success.

“Every product that I had has slight variances in design… for SEO, it’s not a great idea to basically duplicate all your meta descriptions,” Ben explained.

Despite trying AI tools like ChatGPT and Shopify Magic, Ben struggled to find a solution that could keep up with the unique demands of his growing brand. The tools he explored were either too generic, lacked customization, or unable to handle bulk tasks efficiently. “It was taking too much time,” Ben noted, “Describely was better at describing the product, more human and less AI sounding.”

Wall Funk needed more than just generic, automated content – it needed a tool that could capture the essence of each design while streamlining the content creation process.

That’s where Describely came in.

On-Brand, On-Time, at 1/10th the Cost

When Ben first discovered Describely, it didn’t take long for him to realize he’d finally found exactly what he needed.

After a quick walkthrough with the Customer Experience team and exploring a few YouTube tutorials, he knew Describely was the right tool for the job. 

“Describely looked promising… a good fit after having a quick rundown.”

The biggest win for Ben came down to Describely’s ability to generate content in bulk without compromising Wall Funk’s unique voice. For the first time, he could manage his entire catalog efficiently while keeping the creative tone that set his brand apart. Whether it was playful designs for kids or sophisticated patterns for adults, Describely helped him tailor the content perfectly to each audience.

“It’s like having someone who specializes in that sort of thing without having to pay them.” 

Ben said, highlighting the incredible value Describely brought to his business. The tool not only transformed the way Ben managed his workflow but also saved him significant time and cost, all the while empowering him to keep up with his expanding product line and preserve the creativity that makes Wall Funk unique.

“It would have cost 10 times as much for a freelancer to do this.”

From Weeks Behind to Weeks Ahead

Before Describely, Ben was constantly playing catch-up. Managing content for over 1000 products, with 500+ still in the backlog, felt like an endless grind, draining his energy and keeping him from focusing on what truly mattered – designing and growing Wall Funk. 

But everything shifted once Describely entered the picture. Ben wasn’t just keeping up; he was ahead of the game.

“What Describely did for me was save me weeks of time. It put me 2-3 weeks ahead of where I wanted to be.”

The bulk generation feature allowed him to create rich, engaging content in a fraction of the time it used to take. And the benefits didn’t stop there.

Describely empowered Ben to experiment with different tones and styles in his product listings, ensuring that every piece of content was not only efficient but also perfectly aligned with Wall Funk’s unique brand identity. 

The result? Content that was both creative and compelling, driving more traffic and inquiries.

“My traffic has since improved after using Describely. It certainly helped with inquiries for products.”

With Describely handling the heavy lifting of content creation, Ben was free to channel his energy into expanding his business and deepening connections with customers. What was once an overwhelming burden became a streamlined, efficient process, paving the way for Wall Funk to thrive and grow.

Efficient, Effective, Essential: Describely’s Lasting Impact on Wall Funk

For Ben, Describely has been nothing short of indispensable. 

“If you’re a small business owner, time is the most valuable asset. If you’re not doing it, someone else is not going to do it. Describely has saved me so much time.”

In an industry where speed, quality, and cost often clash, Ben found that Describely delivered on all fronts.

“It’s rare when you can do something both quick and well.”

With Describely, Ben Hughes transformed his content creation process from a time-consuming burden into a streamlined, efficient operation – proving that even as a solo entrepreneur, you can stay ahead of the game without compromising on quality.


If you’re struggling to manage your growing product line while keeping a unique voice, Describely is the solution you need. Experiment with your brand voice, maintain your creativity, and save both time and cost. Try Describely for free today and see how it can transform your business.

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